Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Love You, Garmin

Robert gave me a Garmin 305 as an early Christmas/birthday present. I've casually wanted one for years, but as Shelly and I train for a marathon, it has become almost a necessity rather than a luxury.

Having said that, I have to say that today's run with the Garmin was luxurious! Guessing about our pace? A thing of the past. Estimating how much further we had to run to reach our 6-mile goal today? Don't be ridiculous. I have that information right here on my wrist! Wondering if we're running too fast? Nope, let me check the says we're right on track for our goal pace.

It was so super cool! I love my new gadget. It's the perfect running companion for someone who wants to be precise about distance measurements! Go Garmin! And thank you, Robert, for the perfect present.

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